If there's anyone who reads my blog, and doesn't know about the Joint Declaration of Data Citation principles by now, I'd be very surprised! But just in case...
The Joint Declaration of Data Citation principles was a real community effort, bringing together a large number of individuals and groups (including the CODATA-ICSTI Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practices, DataCite, and the Research Data Alliance's Publishing Data Interest and Working groups, amoung many others) in order to refine, standardise and harmonise the data citation principles that have been previously published.
Simon Hodson over at the CODATA blog, gives a great overview of the background to the principles and the process that created the harmonised versions.
I'd really encourage everyone to go and endorse the principles - you can do this on a personal level, or even on an institutional one.
Of course, we're not resting on our laurels now that the principles are out there and being endorsed - a follow on group has been created to implement the principles. If you're interested in joining this implementation effort, then please do get in touch with the group leaders!
The Joint Declaration of Data Citation principles was a real community effort, bringing together a large number of individuals and groups (including the CODATA-ICSTI Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practices, DataCite, and the Research Data Alliance's Publishing Data Interest and Working groups, amoung many others) in order to refine, standardise and harmonise the data citation principles that have been previously published.
Simon Hodson over at the CODATA blog, gives a great overview of the background to the principles and the process that created the harmonised versions.
I'd really encourage everyone to go and endorse the principles - you can do this on a personal level, or even on an institutional one.
Of course, we're not resting on our laurels now that the principles are out there and being endorsed - a follow on group has been created to implement the principles. If you're interested in joining this implementation effort, then please do get in touch with the group leaders!
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